When you need to manipulate someone, appealing to what gets their adrenaline pumping is never a bad way to go.
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Fallout is Dragons, which kind of snuck up on us. As celebration, I spent about eight hours livestreaming Fallout: New Vegas, which wasn't all that great for my health but still pretty fun to do. Didn't quite finish the game, though. Got my underleveled butt handed to me by Legate Lanius. Transcript:
Twilight Sparkle: What are you talking about? Scaring them MORE? That’s exactly what we’re trying to avoid! That’s what the thief’s trying to do! Pinkie Pie: I know! And it’s bad when we’re trying to be all diplomatic with Luna. It’s just awkward! But if we play along… Twilight Sparkle: Then the kids hate Luna, and their parents hate Luna for scaring their kids! Pinkie Pie: Are you crazy? They won’t hate her! They’ll love her for making this the most thrilling Nightmare Night of their lives! Twilight, they’re scared because they WANT to be scared! Twilight Sparkle: …Huh? Pinkie Pie: Right now, Pipsqueak’s with his friends going, "Ahh! I almost got eaten by Nightmare Moon! I barely escaped!" He’s the coolest kid in school! Applejack: Ohhh. Cheeky little bugger.