Story Time! Suggest something for my Everfree Northwest panel!
My intention is to 1) highlight and contrast many of the different tabletop homebrews, mods, supplements, materials… things this growing niche has made since the show collided with the RPG community way back when; and 2) talk about why ponies and tabletop seem to go together so particularly well.
The second part I've got more or less locked down, but I'm a little afraid I might not have enough exposure to get a good selection for the first part. So I'm open to suggestions. And if you think there's something else I should do in the 50-some-odd minutes I have available including Q&A, I'll consider those ideas, too. Transcript:
SFX: (PLOP) DM: Well, you managed to throw Spike off in four rolls. Not shabby. Rainbow Dash: So all I gotta do is throw him off in three or less? DM: Yep. You'll hit the DC eventually, but the question is in how much time. Rainbow Dash: But hold on. It's a race now, right? There's a time limit. I gotta be faster. Does that mean I get my +3 racing bonus? DM: Uh… I… guess? Rainbow Dash: <roll> SFX: (BOING!) DM: Aaaaaand that's one heck of a bronco buck. This is not gonna be a good day for Spike. Fluttershy: Oh my gosh! Is Spike going to be okay? Does he need healing? DM: Oh, y'know, dragon scales. He'll be fine… in the long run. Applejack: Seriously? Rainbow Dash: Eye for an eye.