I confess, a lot of what goes into the comic is just fun ideas I'd use if I was running a campaign in the vanilla Equestria setting.
Not that I'm saying the DM is explicitly me. Nor am I saying the DM is explicitly not me. It's been a long-standing tradition not to name real names or even say what gender the DM is. Explicitly.
It's almost convention time! This might be a good time to mention that I've started using Twitter more regularly. It might make a good tool for tracking me down in real time if you're also going to EFNW, and it's good if you want to follow me in a more general way across my multiple projects than through webcomic Author's Notes. I'm trying the "having a more active online presence instead of lurking everywhere always" thing, see. Transcript:
DM: So, do you head into the trapdoor? Fluttershy: I don't suppose we could just reseal it and hope the effect goes away? DM: …So you head into the trapdoor. The stairs spiral downward. Roll History to see if you can identify the tomb yet. Mane Six: <roll> <roll> <roll> <roll> <roll> <roll> Twilight Sparkle: Oh, that was terrible. Rarity: Looks like I'm highest with a 23. DM: Having studied ancient cultures and fashion at least once in your life… Rarity: Purely for my cover identity, of course. DM: You recognize the designs as being from the transitionary period of Equestria. Specifically, a mix of ancient pegasus clan symbology and later "two sisters" period architecture. Based on those factors, you think this might very well be the lost tomb of one of the three founders of Equestria: Commander Hurricane. Rainbow Dash: Dude. An ancient ghost was helping me win?! Awesome! See, DM? This is how you do backstory: In ways that directly benefit me!