I almost hate trying to end on a joke here when Blueblood's doing a dang Mummy impression. Holy crap is this better than I ever imagined. Transcript:
DM: A desperate Bolt Storm crashes onto the field. Hitting… everpony. Pinkie Pie: Holy moly! I don't think I have enough Majestic Words for this! Fluttershy: Bloodied… That means half HP, right? I'm almost there too… Rainbow Dash: Geez, how many phases does this guy have? Twilight Sparkle: Even after a bunch of minions and elites… Applejack: Okay, the royal guards HAD to have noticed that, right? Rarity: What is he doing…? A rational thief would have retreated to the shadows by now! DM: Whatever Blueblood has become, it is far from rational. It is almost as if, in his moment of pure anger and fear, the Amulet itself has taken over. And instead of running to the shadows, it has decided to bring the shadows to you. Unrelated: How high is everyone's Will defense?