Speaking of DM hubris, there's new RPG livestream/podcast content coming down the pipe, hopefully launching this coming Sunday. Multiple campaigns, in fact, under the broad heading of "Spudventures." The first is a short FATE mini-campaign that I'm running, and I'm also later playing in a 5th edition dungeon-crawl with a bit of a twist. More info on those things as they approach and solidify! Transcript:
DM: Either way, whichever course of action you choose next, for now I think this is where we end tonight's session. Next time, we start the adventure to save Equestria. And not because it's part of my "big plan" for an "epic campaign." I broke Equestria. I nearly broke this group. I just want to help you fix it the way you want. Applejack: Y'all don't need to get THAT dramatic… As long as we got our agency and some options that make sense, that's the basics covered. Discord GM: "Make sense?" Hohoho, why limit yourself to making sense…? DM: The session's over now. You can drop the character. They won't be seeing Discord in-person for a while anyway. Discord GM: Er… yes. "Dropping character." I'll get right on that. Right away, sir…