DM: Are we far enough into proceedings to get some introductions?
Rainbow Dash: Sure, I'll go first.
Gallus (Rainbow Dash): <ahem> I'm playing a griffon guy named Gallus. Now, I was thinking: We do so little combat, what if I was a pure skill monkey instead? So I've got 3 levels in Rogue and 2 in Bard–
Pinkie Pie: <gasp!>
Gallus: …mainly for that Jack of All Trades feature. Character-wise, I'm thinking he's kind of a young punk who got caught one too many times and sent here as punishment. No offense.
DM: Um… sure.
Ocellus (Twilight Sparkle): Well, like I said, I'm going with a changeling Druid. You were right, that combo isn't as ridiculous as it first sounded… but I still like it. It's nice having so many potential options.
DM: As long as you're enjoying it.
Ocellus (Twilight Sparkle): Anyway, my changeling's name is Ocellus. She's… the quiet type. Talented but not a standout. Wanting to put her best hoof forward due to her kind's reputation. That's about it.
Yona (Fluttershy): Um, I'm… Yona. A yak Barbarian.
DM: Interesting choice…
Yona (Fluttershy): It just seemed the most natural option. Um, Yona is very enthusiastic and patriotic about her culture and heritage, and wants to share how great it is with her Equestrian classmates.
DM: Are you sure you're up for playing that, uh, kind of person?
Yona (Fluttershy): I think once I actually get into character, I'll be fine…
Smolder (Rarity): My young dragon's name is Smolder. She's as much of a "noble" as dragons get, being descended from a legendary brass dragon. Which still doesn't get you that much respect as a youngling in dragon society. So she's internalized the idea that it doesn't really matter, and, by extension, little else matters but gold and dominance. Essentially, she's only attending because the Dragon Lord ordered her to.
Gallus (Rainbow Dash): What. Is. Her. Class?
Smolder (Rarity): Oh. She's a Sorcerer.
Silverstream (Pinkie Pie): HI MY NAME'S SILVERSTREAM AND I'M SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED TO BE HERE! Ponies are basically hippogriffs' heroes after they beat the Storm King and freed us! Not to mention Silverstream's never been on the surface and seen anything other than coral reefs and other seaponies so everything's super new and amazing! And I bring blessings from Queen Novo for all of you, 'cuz I'm a Cleric, WOOO!
Sandbar (Applejack): Which leaves me for last, I guess. Hi, I'm Sandbar. I'm just your average earth pony Monk.
DM: Oh, for Pete's… Did you just make Applejack again?
Sandbar (Applejack): Nooo. …This one has nothing to do with apples.