
Or as I actually like calling him: God of Power.

Yes, ladies, and gentlemen. At long last, i've presented you my official, and final design of the Kahnac version of Lord Tirek. And he…….is soooo magnificent! I had no idea I could make something this good, and get away with it. And yet here he is, all the same. A design I couldn't be more happy with, especially with how much work I put into this. Given Tirek is my favorite MLP villain, noone should blame me. I'm just happy, because I get to finally share how I envision this evil asshole with all of you. And I really hope you guys enjoy it, too.

Not much else to explain aside from what already has been explained.

My AU-Tirek is the culmination of his G1 AND his G4 counterparts. But take their wits, and combine them together into a ruthless manipulator, and strategist who utilizes any, and all means to achieve anything he wants. He is cold, uncaring, merciless, brutal, sadistic, and uncanny. He enjoys dominating others in order to prove to them his superiority…..even himself, somewhere deep down. And he indeed has the power to do so. Ever since he was beaten by Twilight, and Co. after escaping Tartarus, via Rainbow Power, he ultimately figured that brute force alone would never be enough to achieve what he wants. He's also like Jafar, in addition to Skullmaster, in how he adapts to any situation given, or forced onto him in order to make it work. The most dangerous chessplayer imaginable. He keeps his cards in check, and holds all the pieces until he finds an opening to exploit. And even inhis weakened state, he dedicated himself to doing what he should have done ages ago: hone, and train his own natural abilities.

Magical Drainage is a Dark Art he obtained after weeks of training himself, and something he now realizes he'd been too reliant on. Before that, he used to train his innate magical abilities that could not be explained with a reclusive centaur wizard named Sendak, who helped him learn how to wield magic, and cast spells like Unicorns: only with his hands as well as his horns. Had he continued his training, and not ruined things through his youthful impatience as a teenager, by the time his Magical Drain had come to him, he might have even been a true rival to the likes of Discord. Now that he realizes this, he begins honing his skills by learning to project his mind to others. His first, and only subject is Cozy Glow, whom he manipulates into carrying out his will. Turns out, she already had plans of her own, and had no idea how to proceed with them until he unknowingly called to her. To keep in contact, he taught her how to send him magic letters that can transport to a chosen recipient intended. And as Tirek said, each of her letters had alot of questions concerning draining magic. It didn't become long before the two had seemingly developed a master-protege' relationship with the progress she made. Despite her loving his appreciation, something inside compelled her to do more than just carry on her training lessons. She needed to give her teacher something to demonstrate her appreciation. But it definitely had to be something far better than a mere apple. Eventually, however, the perfect idea occurred to her.

And that's how The Armor of Nosferatus came to be conceived, leading up to present events.

Through secret methods of her own, which undoubtedly involved her using her 'cutesy charm', and a spell of hypnotic suggestion she learned, Cozy stole some fragments of The Dark Stone of Chrysalis's Throne, and finding ancient runes made especially for protection, she eventually found the most sacred, and ancient of domains hidden from Equestria itself: Hesiodannia. Home to the greatest smithies ever to exist in the world: The Cyclopes Brothers, Brontes, Steropes, and Arges. Their home resides in the highest of mountains, where lava always flows, and storms always rage in order to create their craft. Though at first, they were willing to pay no mind to the little filly, she earned their favor when she offered them the finest wine Equestria had to offer — laced with dozens of different remedies to make them susceptible to suggestion. Seeing as their race loves wine, and traded creativity for wit, they drank it without question. All of them falling under Cozy Glow's sway. Now she had exactly what she needed to craft her mentor's perfect gift. One that would both restore his strength, and grant him eternal power at the same time. After but a few weeks, mixing the material she provided with a special ore the Cyclopes had procured from the Dwarves of Nidavelir, the trinities finest creation known to all of Equestria had been completed.

The Armor of Nosferatus.

Blended perfectly well with the chunks of Parasite Stone, along with Neigh-tic steel from the Highlands bearing protective enchantments, combined with the most versatile, and seemingly indestructible alloy in all realms: Uru. The results was the perfect armor that could not only dish out as well as easily take a hit: it could also take what isn't given for its owner. Like a vampire, thanks to Uru's magic-storing and absorbing properties, combined with that of the Changeling Throne, the armor not only keeps its wearer protected from magical attacks: it allows the user to completely absorbs any magic thrown their way, and empower themselves with it. Even drawing the very mana of the environment around them to do so. The Neigh-tic steel simply increased the armor's durability. As of now, with this armor, Lord Tirek is an impressively powerful force to fear. A living tank who can throw down with the best, and come out with nary a scratch. And since his obtaining said armor, and being revitalized, Tirek's honing skills have only gotten stronger. True, Tartarus' magic was limited, but the magic the Uru was given did enough to replenish a large portion of his strength. Giving him the opportunity to relearn old spells he memorized, but never practiced.

Now that he's out of Tartarus, however, he slowly grows stronger by the day. His appearance is that of his final form, but it's mainly him restored to his prime youth. Even so, he learns all that he can, and uses his armor to draw in as much energy as he can to empower himself — with the ability to gauge how much he takes. Which is why he was so willing to work with Grogar: because eventually he'll just grow strong enough to best the old goat in battle, than drain his magic. Eventually, he'll even be able to once again surpass both The Alicorns, and Discord. Once they are dealt with, he can begin plans to take Equestria for his own, along with all of the magic, and Light it holds.

And with the growing power of Darkness by his side, he may well succeed.


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