This character was a simple little throwaway gag in the MAGIC.MOV video that Twilight tried to create to replace a believed-to-be-dead Rainbow Dash but it ended up going berserk and destroying Ponyville with Discord and Wolflore and somehow creating duplicates of itself. I thought RD5000 was going to be the final villain in SWAG.MOV due to the title but the timeline ended up getting reset and Rainbow Dash just came in to fight Discord instead. Regardless of being just a weird gag in the series, this character got tons of fanart and his phrase "CRUSH. KILL. DESTROY. SWAG." became a common quote in the fandom! XD
If you are curious to try the PONY.MOV series, you can find it here, but be warned, it's very adult-rated!… That is a movie version of all the episodes, but the creator, Max Gilardi's channel can be found here:… He stopped doing MLP content after SWAG.MOV but his Brain Dump series is quite entertaining!