
Artist desc:
Its over.

While the comics and other media of g4 will continue for a while as of Oct 12 2019 the show has ended. And I have some feelings about it.

When the show released I had no idea. It was 2010 and I was in the last year of high school. I was rarely if at all on 4chan so I more or less don't remember seeing it before 2011.

Around February/March 2011 I was stuck in bed due to my siatic pain. I was browsing youtube and went to a smash brothers youtuber I remeber liking a lot. When I got to their profile was covered in ponies. At first I was confused and a little angry. I remember seeing ponies starting to pop up on other platforms and being slightly annoyed by it. So I decided to do some research and found the first episode.

Now mind you I was on strong pain killers when I watched the 1st episode. So I assumed I only enjoyed it because I was high. Then as the high wore off as I continued watching I found the show amazing still. And it basically snow balled from there.

Right after discovering the show I tried to take my own life. My "high school sweet heart" broke up with me and I did not take it well. Looking back what I did was manipulative and I wish I handled it differently. But I was scared, I was hurt and I didn't want to live. I took my first pony dolls to the hospital. Rarity and Fluttershy. And they both were with me as my friends and family visited me. The other patients liked them too. And they made me feel safe. As of today they are both sitting on my shelf sighed by their respective voice actors. All of my original dolls are signed except AJ and RD. I still hope to get them signed one day.

I haven't really found something I liked as much as this since I found pokemon at 5-6 years old then sonic at 10. The world enchanted me, the characters were personalities that I wanted to get to know more and the art on the show was charming. It inspired me artistically for a very long time. Still does today.

The show came at a very scary time in my life. It was one of the only good things I had to look forward to. The transition from high school to collage was not an easy one. I very much was not ready for what was to come. Over all my collage experience was pretty crappy. Im glad I got my paper however. Pony was there with me through it all.

I would like to make a special mention about one particular place. The Brokakai. This was a drawing board on the site bronyland which had that personality quiz that was popular. I started drawing on there after I started collage and its been an amazing experience. I learned about drawing on computers and digital art in general. And I even had a "ship war" with a good friend on there. I miss them dearly but like many people online they seemed to have vanished. If your out there rainycrayons: thank you. I hope things are well.

Soon I was done collage as the show continued. Things in the show changed but I stuck around. There is a lot I would personally change about how things went. But I also am very happy with how a lot of things went.

Around 2017 I had a feeling the show wouldent last forever. I noticed mlp items in stores were dwindling in places such as hot topic and clairs. So I had a feeling that I need to kick my butt in terms of pony conventions. I was going to anime/comic book/furry conventions though out the years but I def wanted to experience a pony centric convention. I decided that 2017 was the year I was going to go. I contacted my friend Yosh, who was a friend I had over on FA. And we planned for an amazing weekend. And it was! Then I went the next 2 years which was bronycons final 3 years of operation. Bronycon honestly has been the best convention I have been to. The atmosphere there was amazing and alot of fun things to do!

Beacuse of the show I met my long time internet pals. And even met some new life long friends!

Beacuse of the show I flew to a country I never been before on my own.

Beacuse of the show I found comfort in many scary siduations. I brought ponies to many scary doctors appointments and even surgery. They really made me feel safe.

Beacuse of the show I felt comfortable being feminine. I always felt I wasn't "girl" enough and if I liked things for girls I was bad. Pony really showed me that its ok to be girly. Its down right bad ass.

Will I still make pony content?
Yes. It will be slowed. It may be few and far between. But these lil hooved critters mean so much to me. And I enjoy drawing them. I do hope to do some simple mlp comics in the future.

Will I follow mlp g5 and beyond?
Yes. I am nervous about the next wave of pony. Its un certain to whats going to happen next. But no matter what they decide to do g4 will always exist. And I can always go back.

What now?
I move on. With pony still by my side. Taking on whatever hits me.

I still have "pony goals" I would like to get done. Such as commissioning fandom artists and getting certain items. And if I can swing it go to mlp conventions.

So as of now Im still grieving a little. It will pass like everything else has. But for now….the ride never ends.


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