Newborn Reffered to as either "hatchlings" or "larvae" Cannot give out love just yet, can only absorb it until they get older — hence their dark appearance Spotted (and adorable) "Speak" in a combonation of baby noises and insect clicks
Child Beans Can give love and change because of it, usually around 2 or 3 years of age Hardened spot on their back is where their wings/shell will develop Finally got legs and are a hassle to keep up with because they won't stop running and crawling onto everything
Teenager Have shell and wings already but the process was really itchy Start to get traits that make each one stand out individually — spiked horns, shell patterning, gradients on the upper torso, etc. Get tough little shoulder plates Go through very awkward growth spurts, please don't question why they've been eating nothing but baked goods for the past 5 days they're baked with love okay
Adult Got their Shit Together™ Live as a communal, productive member of the hive as one of 4 major occupations: Guard (goes on patrols), Nurser (takes care of babies), Matinence (makes sure hive is clean/sturdy), or Harvester (grows non-love food) Slightly smaller than the average pony Fangs are mostly for show or self-defense. Diet outside of love is largely vegetarian.
hooray i finished this! :V also if ur curious about the claws, they're my headcanon for changeling hooves. kind of a deer/insect claw thing going on