In the great words of the almighty Larson, the show has come and went and it left its most important gift behind in the final episode: confirmed canonicity. Flash also got the uplifting treatment (not that either of them weren’t canon already, of course) so it was only fitting that he gets to share the image. Derpy is there just because I like her though!
I got some more ideas with the finale and a lot more with pony in general but as the seasonal flu descends upon me, they’ll have to wait. I’ll be putting up a dA journal with my thoughts on the finale, the future, my lack of uploads lately and all that jazz soon so keep your eyes peeled! Pony might be over, but there are a lot of ideas left to draw and cute ponies to indulge in and I hope all of you will be along for the ride!
In addition, I made this in part for the Derpibooru anniversary art event. It might be a bit of a stretch but I'd say being undoubtedly canonical fits the topic of a pony reaching one's dreams. It certainly is my dream fulfilled, even if it was just a cameo.