www.deviantart.com/ravenwolf-b… by RavenWolf-Bases
www.deviantart.com/kingbases/a… by KIngBases
www.deviantart.com/elementbase… by ElementBases
www.deviantart.com/albina2702/… by Albina2702
www.deviantart.com/ravenwolf-b… RavenWolf-Bases
www.deviantart.com/shiibases/a… by ShiiBases
Cozy Glow. I have a proposition…
Starling. A proposition?
Cozy Glow. That's it! Just join me…
Starling. No, you are evil!!!
Cozy Glow. Shhh… We have the same interests… You want a justice, a honest, honour! You are poor, little unicorn, with big magic potential, hides behind the shadow of those two stupid alicorns! You can revenge to them, I can revenge to Twilight and Starlight…
Starling. You are right… But I have some doubts…
Cozy Glow. All for the great goodness!
Starling. Okay… I'll join you…
Cozy Glow. Pleasure! whisper*My plan is working… *evil smile
This next gen belongs to me and my sister SiriusSentry