But i couldn't miss a chance on this one!! -uo
I didn't find enough time to draw ALL the scenes i wanted (guess comics arent for me, huh ) but i think it still looks nice!
A bit of a context — I imagine them sitting in the cabin porch after a long day. Long day of doing what? Good thing you asked! Ya see, when it comes to activities, one of the very fist ones Rain would suggest would be "learning how to predict the weather". Since she is a traveler, she believes it is important to teach each and every pony this, just in case they decide to leave Equestria and the lovely weather-giving Cloudsdale city behind. Since there are places where it cannot bring you weather you desire, it's useful to know how to predict it!
well. i hope this makes sense… hah…
also how tf do ponies hold cups? We will never know…
This is an entry for halcyondrop contest
Halcyon (pony on the right) belongs to them!
Upcoming Rain (pony on the left) belongs to me~(she isn't exactly my 'ponysona', but i dont really have one, so i hope they dont mind me using her ;u; )
Hope ya like it~