
ery recent imagery from my Equestria dreamscape that wanted to get down on paper while the imagery was very fresh in my mind. Recently Applebloom was very happy to finally get her cutie mark. Although her mark is not the same as she got in show. Her cutie mark here is two black crossed scythes with a black/deep Prussian Blue apple with Luna moon on it.

Another tool that the filly has been developing for the Night Court and for field operations in Canterlot and even further afield is what she calls her Cloak of Night. It is made from her own shadow and has the appearance of smoke and twisting thorn covered vines/tendrils. These tendrils can controlled by the filly to wrap around and ensnare a suspect or to lash out whips to trip or deal damage like an actual whip. They can be used at some distance from her and can be combined with her scythe attacks.

Along with the cloak an additional accessories are boots of shadows that have eyeballs where buttons would normally go.


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