Vapor Fog- unable to speak, defiable but her Enenra prevents her, sad about how everything is and how it happened. Vapor is now the Element of Depression.
Volatile Miasma- Insane, likes to make messes, loves talking to/with her Enenras, laughs at just about anything. Volatile is now the Element of Misery.
The Elements of Extortion
Corruption: All are welcome to join me in my, I mean our little organization of crazed souls. Who knows, you might be rewarded later on for taking the hand of corruption and insanity Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha…oh wait that's my hand.
Comment or note if you want to become part of Corruption's mentally crazed, has to be an mlpfim oc, can be any mlp oc, even alicorn for all I care. Tell your friends. It's FREE