

Now you can! Luna’s invitation to become a moon pony is open to any pony who wants it, regardless of breed, criminal history or disposition. But you should think hard before you decide to take on this change in lifestyle; The night has a lot to offer, but the warmth and brilliance of a noon-day sun just isn’t one of them.


The transformation will change your iris and pupil color to chrome, and allow you to see clearly in the dark. Bright daylight will hurt your eyes a bit, and most moon ponies who stay up ‘late’ (ie: into the daylight hours) wear eye protection to cut the glare.

Your internal clock will flop, making you feel naturally inclined to be active at night and asleep during the day.

Your patron Princess will be Luna, instead of Celestia. You know her, shes the one who watched you masturbate every night through the window when your parents were asleep. see? its like you’re friends already!

Your first child will also be a moon pony. if you’re running a story where your character is planning on makin’ fillies, the first one automatically inherits the trait. after that, you can decide if any future fillies get it.

ON SOME OCCASIONS, the transformation may change the color of your fur or mane. You can think of it as an opportunity to re-color your character if you’d like to, but haven’t had an excuse. This part is up to you, its generally considered to be a fluke of the process and doesn’t happen to everypony.


Being a moon pony does NOT grant you new magical, night-themed abilities. you’re welcome to get those on your own of course, but the procedure doesn’t supply them. Moreover, it does NOT give you a magically animated tail hand. there was some confusion on this part due to Cashmere, but that hand came from his own come-to-life magic. As a rule, being a moon pony does not effect your natural talents in any way.

Being a moon pony does NOT turn you into a brooding sulking dark furred creature of the night. I’m currently using the moon pony situation as a plot device to run a story, but the story is an EXCEPTION to the RULE. Most stories are, when you think about it. Being a moon pony is not reserved for the monochromatic or depressed, and you shouldn’t feel that becoming one will make your character any less cheerful.

Lastly, being a moon pony does NOT mean you are injured by sunlight, any more than a normal pony is injured by staying up late. You’re not a vampire, you’re just nocturnal.


I’ve attached two pictures to this post, one with lighting effects and one without. if you’d like to use your own lighting effects or just don’t like how mine look, pick the blank one. otherwise, go with the magic-y one and drop a picture of your character into the glow. Use any picture you’d like, pony creator will work fine if its what you have, and post it up on your blog! that’s all there is to it! Oh, and send me a message letting me know when you’ve posted it, I’d love to see.

After that, you’ve officially been moon ponied! work it into your own story or future pictures of yourself, have fun with it. I recommend you consider carefully if its something you want. its not irreversible, this isn’t a trap, if you decide later you want to go back to the sun, then go for it. but it makes things a bit more fun for everyone when you stick to your choices and any consequences they may have.

Thats it! have fun folks!


this is a moon pony template. stick a picture of yourself on it if you want to be a moon pony and post it up.

Jul 9th, 2012
287 notes


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