In the pristine royal palace the alicorns gathered near, sharing each other's company and bringing each other cheer.
The New Royals were happy to be together once again as a large fusion family, a truly amazing and glorious sight for any average pony to see.
In a hidden part of the palace they huddled by an old pine tree, with intent to decorate it all with joy, happiness, and glee.
The great herd then resides here all throughout most of the night, embracing the weather of the holiday as they set the tree up with delight.
Sweets and treats are passed around, and hot beverages some provide, all to lighten up the spirit and warm their barrels from the inside.
As soon as the tree is finished though and when all is said and done, The herd gathers round the spectacle and celebrates Hearth's Warming as one!
Done by the lovely AppleNeedle