A joyous Hearth's Warming morning at the FlutterMac household, years into the future. The children excitedly opening their gifts, save for poor Late Riser for whom this is happening entirely too early in the morning for him. I imagine Apple Flutter got them all up at first light after barely having slept at all the night before.
Finished this just a few hours after the holiday was over in my timezone. Now that feels eerily familiar. This is exactly where I started one year ago in the exact same situation, though in this case my tardiness was more due to biting off more than I could chew this month than procrastination.
I'm very pleased to have managed to endure and keep this up for a whole year, and my, it was a rough year for someone who loves FlutterMac. I hope any of you out there who still adore those two together get some solace from my work. I personally hope to still be making these pictures by this time next year and beyond as well, even more than this year if I can make the time. I have so many ideas I've jotted down that I'd like to bring to life between my holiday pictures including more of this family. Before I do any of that, I should hurry up and get working on my New Years picture, which I fear may be late again this year as well.
Feel free to have a look at my "12 Days of Hearth's Warming" series I've been posting leading up to Christmas: