Another ponified Irken character, fitted into the magical world of Fallout: Equestria
Tika my psychotic cannibal who works as Zapp's guard dog. Since I had turned Zapp into a FO:E pony [link] it was only natural I did the same to her deranged sister. With stats and all, again with help from ~MisterMech
Tika is an Earth Pony whom no one really knows where came from. One day she had tackled Zapp down out in the wasteland, but without killing her like she usually did to those she attacked. Instead she decleared them to be sisters. Although she attacks everyone else she sees, she would never harm Zapp for whatever reasons she decided to make them family.
Zapp usually keeps her chained up so she doesn't try and eat her customers, but can easily decide to release her if any of the raiders try anything. Though not using weapons and seeming rather dimwitted, Tika is a strong and skilled killer and hunter. She's covered in scars from her life out in the wasteland and her diet is strictly carnivore. She doesn't trust food she hasn't killed herself unless given by Zapp.
Her cutiemark is a can of tuna. Why is anypony's guess.