2-3. While she ravenously absorbs any little fact about apples that her father and aunts prattle on about, her passions lie slightly elsewhere. As her unique namesake suggests, Chrysanthemum absolutely adores flowers — of all shapes, colors, sizes, and scents. She has a deep appreciate for, not only their beauty, but their benefits to her world and the ponies around them. Her ever-expanding garden hosts many honeybees that, in turn, help the orchard. Though their role in her teas came into play a little after the fact, Chryssi has been fascinated by the vast array of colorful plants, the many different scents they carried, and the eclectic and amazing tastes. She began to learn more and more about gardening when gifted a pot of glowing golden buttercups by lifelong best friend, Iron Forge.
4-5. Chryssi's heart is as big as her fluffy hooves. Raised with very strong values in honesty, determination, and friendship, Chrysanthemum never hesitates to offer a helping hoof. She always keeps an eye out for for a creature in need, be it lifting some heavy boxes, to helping cranky old Mrs. Rich cross the street, to offering an open ear when you need somecreature to talk to. While she's not a terribly worldly pony yet, she still offers whatever advice she can, as well as big hugs and jars of lavender tea to take home (plus, her ma runs a pretty sweet bakery, and everycreature deserves a treat sometimes).
6-9. Another trait that one quickly discerns about the green mare is her work ethic — though no one is really surprised. She took to working in the orchard a little earlier than usual, but always seems to have a smile on her face as she works. Not only does she buck the trees and transport bushels of apples, but she maintains her gardens to make her teas. Her passion for flowers evolved into a love for the art of teamaking after she recovered from a terrible illness as a filly. She loves using all different sorts of ingredients to create new brews, new tastes, and even ensuring their health benefits. Alongside her younger cousin Juniper (who makes healing potions and tonics) the two help support their family and farm by selling their creations. Chryssi is quite popular for her teas (ever since local tea pony Jasmine Leaf moved to Trottingham), and hopes to one day buy herself and Juniper a shop in Ponyville and run it together, instead of their little portable booth. Nevertheless, Chrysanthemum loves her work, her life, her friends, and her family, and ain't nothin' gonna ever change that!