
Octavia, a mare with a wide array of musical pieces under her belt, is a very headstrong and even stubborn pony. Though, this didn't bar her from many conversations. On the contrary! She was a very pleasant mare to talk to! Although her vocabulary was immaculate and well placed, she often left many ponies feeling a bit inadequate when she spoke. Though of course, this wasn't her intent. not at all!

Octavia was born to an upper-class family in Canterlot. Octavia had had very high hopes weighted on her shoulders from a very young age. You see, in Canterlot, there was no doubt in anypony's mind that unicorns were the main percentage of ponies in the city. While there were pegasi and earth ponies, unicorns were the majority in the large city of the posh and rich. So, being one of the only mule-blooded families in the higher society, the Melody family had to keep their name respectful and true. Such was the nature and nurture of Octavia's parents.

Her mother, Cadenza Melody, was a large contributor to Octavia's upbringing. She was harsh and brash, often making Octavia stay longer for Violin, Cello, and Piano Lessons. There was no doubt in the elder pony's mind that her daughter would end up in the music profession. And so, Octavia was enrolled in a private high school in Canterlot. While there, she would be taught manners, respect, and everything in between; Despite the fact she was fluent in nearly everything beforehand.

Her mother was a Helicopter mom, for sure, but she cared for her daughter. So much so that she was willing to do anything for her little darling. But hell hath no fury like a mother's scorn. If she found that her daughter was in any sort of mischief, she would have no issue of taking her out of class herself in order to instill those lessons she had drilled into her daughter oh so many times.

This caused social issues with Octavia. She hadn't many friends due to her overbearing, and frankly scary, mother. Octavia loved her mother, and she knew her mother loved her too, but sometimes… she wished she would just lay off.

Years would pass of being a social outcast and harsh and striking Cello lessons after inevitably getting her cutie mark in Instrumental proficiency. It was time to head off to college. There was no doubt that Octavia, being the straight-A Student she was, would get any choice of college she desired. Well… Her mother would that is. What? you think that just because Octavia was off to college meant that she was going to be free of her tyrannical mother? Hell no. She just wouldn't be there all the time to spy on her daughter's progress. She needed someone to look out for her. And so she chose West Manehatten University. A musically enhanced college that offered a full-ride and a personal friend of the family to keep an eye on her sweet little daughter.

Octavia would then head off to college with the excitement of meeting new ponies and making new friends. That was until she met a stubborn headed unicorn from Manehatten. Vinyl Scratch was sure a pain in her side for the first few days of classes, but she… slowly grew on her. After becoming friends in the first year and then Vinyl transferring to be her roommate, the two would undoubtedly have a bond no other could share. Whether that be friends or not, Octavia didn't care. Though… it would be nice to have a filly friend.

And as years passed of her mother's apparent insistence against such an odd relationship. Octavia would graduate on her own means, finally away from her mother and experiencing a freedom unlike any other. She would move away from Canterlot. Make a name for herself and be with the one she loved. And that she did.

With even more years passing, her filly friend, now turned wife, and her decide to start a new legacy. A family all of their own. That is… until the untimely passing of Octavia at still such a young age. Octavia would have undoubtedly loved her daughter, but if she were to see Vinyl and her daughter now, she would have had a calm mind knowing that her wife was taking care of their child as well as she could.

Hey guys! thanks again for sticking around for such a long Bio! Thought it would only be fair to have a matching pair of Record's parents as my HC!

This of course had some inspiration of the story "Vinyl and Octavia, University Days" by Dawn Fade in it. Amazing story, great read! oldy but a goody!

Anyway! if you guys would like to see more of my headcanons for the Side-Gen's parents, let me know! and tell me who you'd like to see next!


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