MOD statement: I AM ALWAYS unhappy with my results… i usually post things with this attitude “ah… never mind, i already drew it so i will post it…BUT THAT DAY FINALY CAME and i finished this drawing with joy and proud feeling. YES And now i have to travel FAR AWAY to find internet connection good enough to upload timelapse of this drawing…
AJFEWH CASY THIS IS BEAUTIFULALJDS ANDOWGORGEOUS AND AS YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU ARE ONE OF THE GREATEST ARTISTS I’VE EVER SEEN. The mane, the mushrooms, the shading, the mysterious mist, the glowy particles, the Thaumic Disk and THE MOOD are PERFECT. They are what i’VE ALWAYS wanted to achieve with my art. I am a VERY slow artist so i haven’t finished my part yet but NOW I will send tons of fanmail to you. I am hyperventilating and crying and making an altar in your name to make blood sacrifices because this deserves to be hanged in the Louvre.