Name: Dusk Star
Nickname(s): Dusk Starswirl Sparkle (full name), Dusky, Blueberry (by Pinkie Pie)
Age: 24
Birthday: May 14
Parents: Twilight Sparkle andFlash Sentry Silver Script, Cheerilee (stepmother), Star Bright (stepfather)
Siblings: Galaxy Guard (younger half-sister), Gilded Prose (younger half-brother), Discovery (stepbrother), Honeycrisp (stepsister)
Future Spouse: Firework
Children: Skydancer (future stepson), Starflower (future stepdaughter), Moonbow (future daughter), Orange Soda (future son)
Strong, dependable, and a good pillar of support, Dusk Star has all the qualities expected of a child of the Princess of Friendship and more. He is very empathetic towards others, as he knows what it’s like to feel unloved by all the years of neglect by the stallion he called “father.” He’s also very emotionally healthy, unafraid to cry and express himself when he needs to, though not in excess. Like his mother, Dusk is intelligent and well-read, though his talent moreso lies in building connections as a diplomat. Although Dusk is the ultimate reliable friend, he does sometimes neglect his own wants and needs in favor of others. In those moments, he has to be reminded once again that it’s okay to put himself first too.
Twilight Sparkle has always been Dusk’s number one supporter. He not only has a lot in common with his mother, but he knows he can confide in her about anything and receive nothing but unconditional love in return. She is always there to help him up when he’s down, and is the reason he is the stallion he is today. This is a far cry from Flash Sentry, who never even gave Dusk the time of day and made him feel unloved. Even his stepmother Cheerilee supports him more than Flash ever did. What Dusk doesn’t know is his father is still alive, and has loved him every single day.
As much as Dusk tries to get along with everypony, he just cannot see eye-to-eye with his sister Galaxy Guard. Since their foalhood, she has done nothing but put him down for his interests and dismiss his insecurities about Flash. Even today, they clash over the same issues, along with their mother’s remarriage and other new problems. Dusk tries his best to be cordial and give Galaxy the benefit of the doubt, but it gets harder to tolerate her attitude. As for his stepsiblings, Dusk likes them just fine, but more as friends. Still, at least he gets along with them. But Dusk will find that maybe Galaxy isn’t his only blood sibling…
Lightning Bolt has been Dusk’s closest friend for as long as either can remember. Apart from being acquainted through their mothers, Lightning and Dusk are also each other’s closest confidants. They’re very emotionally open with each other and often tell each other things that they wouldn’t tell anyone else. In fact, Lightning is one of the only ones who knows about Dusk’s family situation. There may have been a period of drifting apart in their adolescence, but they bonded right back together when Lightning needed a friend to count on. Ever since, their friendship has been as strong as ever.
Being friends with Lightning has also allowed Dusk to get acquainted with his brother, Firework. His penchant for drinking and partying means that he needs someone to look after him, and Lightning and Dusk are usually the ones to do it. Lightning may be embarrassed by his brother’s antics, but Dusk finds Firework quite amusing as long as he isn’t hurting himself. He certainly livens things up in a way that no other pony can. Plus, Dusk doesn’t mind being the one to carry him home. He’s happy to help out a friend…even if it goes further than that.
Pinkie Pie may be the last pony one would expect to be so mature, but she has been one of Dusk’s biggest confidants since his colthood. Whenever his parents were busy, “Auntie” Pinkie was his caretaker, and they’d have all kinds of fun together. She was one of the few ponies who showed genuine interest in his hobbies and was encouraging of his aspirations. She was easy to talk to and Dusk would often confide in her, as long as she “Pinkie Promised” not to tell. And even in his adulthood, Auntie Pinkie still holds a special place in his heart.
Cutie Mark:
As a child of Friendship, it is no surprise that Dusk has dedicated his life to promoting friendship in his own way. The peaceful dove on his cutie mark represents just that: his talent for peacekeeping as a successful diplomat. The colored ribbon represents his unity with the other princesses of Equestria—and, by extension, all of their subjects. Dusk is a dependable problem-solver and peacekeeper both on the international scale and within his own personal life.
Nickname(s): Dusk Starswirl Sparkle (full name), Dusky, Blueberry (by Pinkie Pie)
Age: 24
Birthday: May 14
Parents: Twilight Sparkle and
Siblings: Galaxy Guard (younger half-sister), Gilded Prose (younger half-brother), Discovery (stepbrother), Honeycrisp (stepsister)
Future Spouse: Firework
Children: Skydancer (future stepson), Starflower (future stepdaughter), Moonbow (future daughter), Orange Soda (future son)
Strong, dependable, and a good pillar of support, Dusk Star has all the qualities expected of a child of the Princess of Friendship and more. He is very empathetic towards others, as he knows what it’s like to feel unloved by all the years of neglect by the stallion he called “father.” He’s also very emotionally healthy, unafraid to cry and express himself when he needs to, though not in excess. Like his mother, Dusk is intelligent and well-read, though his talent moreso lies in building connections as a diplomat. Although Dusk is the ultimate reliable friend, he does sometimes neglect his own wants and needs in favor of others. In those moments, he has to be reminded once again that it’s okay to put himself first too.
Twilight Sparkle has always been Dusk’s number one supporter. He not only has a lot in common with his mother, but he knows he can confide in her about anything and receive nothing but unconditional love in return. She is always there to help him up when he’s down, and is the reason he is the stallion he is today. This is a far cry from Flash Sentry, who never even gave Dusk the time of day and made him feel unloved. Even his stepmother Cheerilee supports him more than Flash ever did. What Dusk doesn’t know is his father is still alive, and has loved him every single day.
As much as Dusk tries to get along with everypony, he just cannot see eye-to-eye with his sister Galaxy Guard. Since their foalhood, she has done nothing but put him down for his interests and dismiss his insecurities about Flash. Even today, they clash over the same issues, along with their mother’s remarriage and other new problems. Dusk tries his best to be cordial and give Galaxy the benefit of the doubt, but it gets harder to tolerate her attitude. As for his stepsiblings, Dusk likes them just fine, but more as friends. Still, at least he gets along with them. But Dusk will find that maybe Galaxy isn’t his only blood sibling…
Lightning Bolt has been Dusk’s closest friend for as long as either can remember. Apart from being acquainted through their mothers, Lightning and Dusk are also each other’s closest confidants. They’re very emotionally open with each other and often tell each other things that they wouldn’t tell anyone else. In fact, Lightning is one of the only ones who knows about Dusk’s family situation. There may have been a period of drifting apart in their adolescence, but they bonded right back together when Lightning needed a friend to count on. Ever since, their friendship has been as strong as ever.
Being friends with Lightning has also allowed Dusk to get acquainted with his brother, Firework. His penchant for drinking and partying means that he needs someone to look after him, and Lightning and Dusk are usually the ones to do it. Lightning may be embarrassed by his brother’s antics, but Dusk finds Firework quite amusing as long as he isn’t hurting himself. He certainly livens things up in a way that no other pony can. Plus, Dusk doesn’t mind being the one to carry him home. He’s happy to help out a friend…even if it goes further than that.
Pinkie Pie may be the last pony one would expect to be so mature, but she has been one of Dusk’s biggest confidants since his colthood. Whenever his parents were busy, “Auntie” Pinkie was his caretaker, and they’d have all kinds of fun together. She was one of the few ponies who showed genuine interest in his hobbies and was encouraging of his aspirations. She was easy to talk to and Dusk would often confide in her, as long as she “Pinkie Promised” not to tell. And even in his adulthood, Auntie Pinkie still holds a special place in his heart.
Cutie Mark:
As a child of Friendship, it is no surprise that Dusk has dedicated his life to promoting friendship in his own way. The peaceful dove on his cutie mark represents just that: his talent for peacekeeping as a successful diplomat. The colored ribbon represents his unity with the other princesses of Equestria—and, by extension, all of their subjects. Dusk is a dependable problem-solver and peacekeeper both on the international scale and within his own personal life.
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