
Yona: Hippogriff means watermelon, doesn’t she?

Smolder: What is even the difference? They both use water to grow don’t they?

Gallus: Let’s ask our resident horticulturalist .

Ocellus: The seed placement insider wa-

Gallus: Nu-uh. Sandbar. You.

Sandbar: Why are you looking at me?

Gallus: Earth pony. You’re meant to grow stuff. Explain the difference.

Ocellus: I was trying to say that in watermel-

Sandbar:: I don’t know anything about growing watermelons!?!

Silverstream: They’re so cuddly! That’s clearly the difference!

Ocellus: *sighs* Yeah. Let’s just go with that.

Yona: *pats Ocellus* Changeling made attempt. That is what matters.


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