Age: 19
Species: Earth pony, male (but doesn’t mind any pronouns, honestly!)
Cutiemark: A pear with a green stem
Talent: Farming both pears and apples, and making hybrid fruits with s c i e n c e
Starkrimson, otherwise known as Nebbie, Neb, Star, Stark, Crimsy, or really anything other than those, is the youngest member of Twilight Sparkle and Big Mac’s family. He’s peppy, cheerful, really curious, and incredibly strong. He may be the smallest of his family, but his kicks pack a wallop! He was a bit of a surprise foal; they wanted another kid but weren’t planning for one so soon. Nevertheless, he’s babied and spoiled rotten by the family! He also inherited Pear Butter’s curly mane, which touched Grandpear’s heart and his last wish was to pass on his bandana to the little foal when he was born. He never takes it off unless it’s to get clean.
Extra facts:
- The other side of his body is mostly plain aside from the parts on his stomach and back which show (might do a ref for other side for simplicity)… markings don't have to be 100% accurate but the basic shape is important!
- He has moderate dyslexia which he's self conscious about, since everyone in his family are very bright and they do business or studies and they're very accurate and quick with it too, he isn't
- He's very happy-go-lucky and is a bit on the hyper side
- He's really clumsy and often trips over his own hooves
- Scared of heights
- Often mistaken for a mare but doesn't give a flip
- Wants to try drag but is a bit too busy to do so
Family: Twilight Sparkle (mother), Big MacIntosh (father), Dusk Constellation (brother), Twilight Gaze (sister). Shining Armor (uncle), Cadence (aunt), Silver Snow (cousin), Applejack (aunt), Blueblood (uncle), Duchesse D’Angelone (cousin), Winesap Apple (cousin), Applebloom (aunt), Pipsqueak (uncle), Witch Hazel Pumpkin Cinnamon Apple (cousin)