你们好, 感谢你们一路一来的支持. 我将会从2017年的作品到2020的作品卖出去, 原装水彩画(不能复制再卖出去)
这3年来,我机会每一天都在画画 都觉得水彩画是个很不错的体验。直达开始发觉要用到钱的时候,我就开始尝试NSFW作品 ,然后我确实蛮享受,因为我终于有经济来源(patreon) ,然后大家都叫我,别放弃 ,传统艺术已经没多少人会了,别放弃,继续加油。可是你要想想,水彩需要的材料,纸张,都需要钱,而且也不便宜。口头上讲不要放弃,其实我不是想放弃,而是真的做不下去了。直达我接触了NSFW,我很享受有时候画 SFW 有时候 NSFW 的体验
NSFW 确实比画 SFW 还来的有经济 。
我决定将旧的画卖出去 ,看向未来 ,如果在 5月之前没有卖出去的画我将会丢掉
Hello, thank you for your support all the way. I will sell the artworks from 2017 to 2020, original watercolors (Don't be copied and sold again)
Let me talk about my 3 years of experience
For the past 3 years, I have been painting every day and I think watercolor painting is a very good experience. Directly began to realize that when I needed to use money, I started to try NSFW works, and I really enjoyed it, so I finally had a financial source (patreon), and then everyone tell me don't give up, there are not many people still use traditional art. , Don't give up, keep going. But if you think about it, the materials and paper for watercolors all need money, and they are not cheap. I don't want to give up verbally. Actually, I don't want to give up, but I really can't go on. Directly I got in touch with NSFW and I enjoyed the experience of painting SFW sometimes and NSFW
NSFW is indeed more economical than painting SFW.
I decided to sell the old paintings and look to the future. If I did not sell the paintings before May, I would destory them
thank you
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