A crazy Idear about the mane 7 finding their own ways to immortality.
Fluttershy – through marriage with Discord, became the Goddes of chaos, nature and animals. co-ruler of the void realms.
Pinkie Pie – Bonded with the Smooze. And became the river of joy. the Goddes of positive energy (and sugar)
Applejack – Became one with the land. After catching the truth about the secrets of the great seedling, and uncovering the reality about the Pear-and-apple tree, She eventually became so entuned with the earth magic that she went the way of her parents and becmae one with the land ancient land that her family had nurtured for so long. Goddes of hard work and Prosperity, Growth and Health.
Rainbow dash – Became one with the rainbows. (and probably also the speed force) Goddes of color, light and speed (and awesomness.)
Rarity. – Bonded with the nightmare forces. Goddes of beauty, passion and secret desires. And also of creation and dreams. As she, after lunas retierment, took up the mantle as Mistress of the night, and guardian of dreams.
Spike. Dragon god of strength and unrivaled might.
A dragons strength comes from their tressure. And there was none he tresured more then his whife Rarity. So when his treasure became divine. So did he.
They made their realm on the light side of the moon, where they watch over the dream weavers. (Whilst Stygian and shadow Rules the Dark side and the nightmare forces.)