I made this for Crowmulent (Formaly Aleatoraye.) [Yes, I'm changing it since everyone is calling me SATAN for making a mistake on ACCEDENT. Look guys, I didn't know Crow was trans, so everyone stop saying I did it on purpose] since they actually kind of inspired me to draw and whatnot, and plus, they where one of the first deviants I ever watched. So, since they seam like the sort that needs fan art since they art so awesome and whatnot, I decided to draw a pony version of the:) (Smile):D (Big Grin)Wink/RazzSweating a little…ClapLoveMeow :3La la la la:happybounce:HeartNuuw00t!OMG MOAR POEMS!:squee:
People are most likely going to complain that it looks WAY to girly, and most likely pressure me to re-draw it. Sorry guys, but once I do a drawing, no edits will be made to that drawing. Plus, this took me a L-O-N-G time, so I'm not going to re-draw it. Also, so far, I only know how to draw females and really skinny males, which look like males except the eye lashes are gone.
Also, I didn't know that I could draw hair. SWEET ROYAL SISTERS!Chibi Princess Celestia IconChibi Princess Luna Icon
Oh, and here is Crowmulent (Aleatoraye)'s profile: