Though, there are certain times that the guards let their facade slip. One of these times is with Discord. The god of chaos often makes time in his day for his friends. Some of these… friends? would be Celestia and Luna. Though their pasts are an enigma to many, Discord and the Alicorn Sisters do eventually get to a standing friendship between them. Discord and Luna end up talking the night away about their past grievances and other topics relaying what they believe is true beauty. Though Celestia and Discord on the other hand, often have this rival like back and forth banter that, honestly?, they both could never live without.
Though, before these visits, Discord takes much joy in tormenting the poor guards on watch. Though at first many of them were secretly a bit scared by this invisible god, as years went on, they honestly got used to his antics and just knew when he was about to strike.
Discord isn't that well versed in subtly and this is used to the advantage of the guards to tell when he's ready to mess with them.
anyway. Long post but shorter headcanon. I'm thinking of making a headcanon on the god himself but overall i just wanted a fun little headcanon that covered a bit of how the guards react to discords antics!