It was a cool night(…day? it was always the same anyways) in the Crystal Empire, and Discord was bored as hell, since Fluttershy wouldn't talk to him and Sombra was likely doing some royal duties, he settled into finding a certain pink pony. They had grown close even before the whole Nightmare Moon thing, the two of them planning parties and other, you could say romantic? activities, he had grow fond of the pink pony. Oh! and there she was!…with her mane down, again.
"Hello my sweet fluffy mare…what got you so not fluffy today?" said Discord with a grin in his face "Come on Discord, you know exactly why i'm like this…" "You are missing them again, yeah yeah…but you got Fluttershy! Cheer up!" Pinkie raised her big sad eyes towards the draconequus "It's getting harder everytime Discord…i can't keep smiling all day, i try to stay strong for my sake and Fluttershy's but…" her eyes lighted up "Could you do something for me'" "sure thing, tell me" "give a little bit of your chaos, i wouldn't be sad anymore!" "Pinks, that could be too much for you to handle…are you sure?" "Absolutely" he couldn't say not to her…and truly, he prefered her happy self to this.
"Alright" he grabbed her soft cheeks "look directly into my eyes, don't lose focus" with this he started to share his chaos with her, Pinkie hair started to curl up everywhere, her mouth transforming into a huge grin, and oh, Discord loved how chaotic she was starting to look~
"Goodbye to heartbreak on my birthday, annoying boys who hurt me with all the stupid things they do and say I can't even remember, what I was so upset for Spun sugar melts in water anyway~"