
Name: Orange Sunstar ("Sunny" for her friends and family)

Gender: Cis-Female
Romantic / sexual orientation: panromantic, pansexual (right now she is in a relationship with her girlfriend Minty)
Closer Family: her older sisters Manica and Sanguina; the Apples of Sweet Apple Acres
Good Friends: her childhood friend Starry Eye, her old flame Cherry Night
Pets: Ernesto and Ebert, a couple of gay mice, that were given to her by Minty
Place of residence: The Night Club "Orange Share" in Canterlot, which she co-owns with her sisters
Occupation: The gofer of the club — gardener, bartender and waitress; occasionally singer

Wherever there's a party, Sunstar usually isn't far away — behind the scenes or on the dance floor, it doesn't matter. She's quick to get invested with other people's business, and when she gets involved in a cause, she doesn't abandon it any time soon. Even in difficult situations, she always wants the best for everyone. Injustice, harsh judgements and cruelty she finds insufferable. The thought of being unneeded — unwanted — is true torture to her.
Unfortunately, this selfless demeanor often conflicts with her strong joy for life. She has a deep lust for good food, funny conversations and sensitive cuddling, and so she will sometimes give into her more selfish wishes when it's really not the right moment. She's very accessible for compliments and flirts and therefor already had several relationships that ended in no-where.
Thus it's most fortunate that she met her current girlfriend Minty, who gives her a lot of freedom, but also looks out for her. Together, they made Sunstar a star on stage, singing and dancing every Saturday for the "Orange Share"s more … romantic audience.


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