Nightmare moon 🌑 and Daybreaker☀️ ok so if you didn’t know I also love My Little Pony (I’m not a baby don’t frickin @ me) and these 2 are KWEENS😂😍 I love them. Nightmare moon in particular. I love Luna, she’s my favourite and nightmare moon is awesome👌 anyways enjoy #mylittlepony #nightmaremoon #daybreaker #mylittleponymovie #hasbro #pony #ponyprincess #mylittleponyprincess #mylittleponyprincesscelestia #mylittleponyprincessluna #princessluna #princesslunamlp #princesscelestia #princesscelestiamlp #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #pony #alicorns #alicorn
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