"S'alright. Ain't a problem most've tha time, just now an' again Ah catch mahself expectin' them to still be here. Ah've nearly thrown a couple a apple buckets inta tha ground 'cause Ah still think Dad'll be right behind me ta catch 'em. An' Ah've waisted hours've mah life lookin' 'round the farm fer no reason. Ah thought it was fer reason, 'til Ah pieced together that Ah'm still tryin' ta find Mom."
An alt version of my Mother's Day picture from this year:
I'd thought about making it at dusk or sunset, but I didn't have access to the vector art of the background I used, so I pushed the idea back and worked with what I had at hand. I got to work on this after the original was finished, and it went a lot smoother than I thought it might, though it still took some time.