0. (lol) Please tag me in your first drawing of the character you adopted! I'd love to see them! 1. You can change the parents if you'd like. 2. You may slightly edit their colors. Any other edits, please ask first :) (Smile) 3. DO NO RESELL OR GIVE AWAY, IF YOU DON'T WANT THEM PLEASE GIVE THEM BACK SO I CAN GIVE THEM TO SOMEONE ELSE. 4. Please do not steal or use in anyway without my permission. (unless you bought the pony) 5. First come, first serve. 6. Please send in your points once I reply. Please note me if you want me to note you a full reference of the adopt. 7.PLEASE pay within 24 hours, or else they will be put back on the market. 8. IF I SEE THAT YOU HAVE "EDITED" YOUR COMMENT, YOUR OFFER WILL BE INVALID. PLEASE COMMENT RESPONSIBLY