Born to Silly



Name: Princess Autumn Crisp

Nickname(s): Autumn, Crispy

Parents: Trixie Lulamoon (mother), Big Macintosh (father)

Siblings: Cobbler Sparks (brother), Skipper Pie (brother)

Future Partner/Spouse: ???

Species (& Race): Pony, Unicorn

Gender: Female (MtF)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Place of Residence: Sweet Apple Acres

Occupation: ???

Talent: Caring for and nursing sea life

Other pieces of information:

Since day one, Autumn has always had a fascination with water and all things to do with it. When she was little, rather than discuss apples or magic with her parents, it was always wanting to be a mermare, to which she'd be corrected with 'mercolt'.

Autumn got her cutiemark while out fishing with her pa. She found a fish caught in a piece of plastic, and rather than bring it to her pa, she decided to help the fish out. After detangling the fish, she got her cutie mark. Panicked by the fact that it wasn't apple or magic related, she attempted to hide her cutie mark from her pa, but her attempts were fruitless. Mac wasn't upset, but he was curious to know how she got it.

Autumn dreams of being able to one day swim through the sea with a tail for back legs



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