Born to Silly


Harmony always found a way to protect Equestria and the lands beyond by bringing guardians of all shapes and sizes to protect her and all nations beyond. From the Pillars, the fellowship of legendary ponies who would protect the young kingdom through their virtues, to the Mane Six, the six ponies who protect their home a thousand moons later through their elements, to the Young Six, the six young creatures of all sorts who continue to protect the pony kingdom and carry with them the virtues and elements of their predecessors while showing us the magic of friendship. Each of these three groups has a representative that has a tie to one another, through their character and virtue/element.

After Equestria was founded, a newfound harmony came to be between the three pony tribes (the Unicorns, the Pegasi, and the Earth Ponies) through friendship. However, danger and evil threatened the new pony nation. In order to maintain and share the light and virtues that shine within all, six legendary ponies, two from each tribe, were united and together they stood against the darkness, serving as Equestria's pillars through their virtues.

Representing the Pillars of Old Equestria is the courageous Pegasus stallion Flash Magnus. He was a cadet in the Royal Legion of Cloudsdale. He flew into legend with his quick thinking and fast moves. On a mission over the Dragon Lands to reach their teammates on the other side, Flash's squadron was intercepted and attacked by the fire-breathing beasts who captured several members of the Royal Legion. Flash Magnus wanted to rescue their captured comrades, but Commander Ironhead forbade it, saying the dragons are too powerful to challenge head-on. Therefore, Flash volunteered to lure the dragons away from their lair so that his comrades could rescue the captured ponies. Ironhead recognized Flash's bravery and gave him the fireproof shield Netitus to assist in his mission. After Flash got the dragons' attention and lured them away from their lair, Ironhead and his soldiers infiltrated the cave and rescued the squadron. Before Flash could be overtaken by the dragons, Ironhead and the Legion gathered together a lightning storm, which Flash bravely flew through, losing his pursuers at great risk to himself and saving the day. The cadet was praised by his fellow Legionnaires for his bravery, and Commander Ironhead allowed him to keep the Netitus shield, which to this day inspires everypony who look at it by reminding them of his brave deeds. Flash Magnus came to represent the virtue of Bravery.

When the Pillars of Old Equestria were forced to banish Stygian/the Pony of Shadows and themselves to Limbo, they left behind a magic seed through their enchanted possessions in hopes that one day it would grow into a force to stand against the darkness for all time. And sure enough it did, as the Tree of Harmony. It carried the best elements that shined within the Pillars and Equestria's foundations. For a while, the princesses of Equestria, Celestia and Luna wielded these Elements to protect their kingdom from more foes. But a thousand moons after Celestia was forced to trap her fallen sister to the moon, the Elements of Harmony would find new bearers: six mares, two from each type of ponies, who each represent the elements that together forge friendship.

Representing the Mane Six is the awesome Pegasus mare Rainbow Dash. This rainbow-haired pony's greatest, all-consuming passion in life is to fly – FAST! Even in her youth, Rainbow was a fantastic flier, achieving what no other Pegasus had before—the Sonic Rainboom, a rainbow that shot out behind her like a jet stream! Anypony who has ever seen her in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and courage. She is a member of the famous flying squad, the Wonderbolts. Dash is a athletic, brave, and confident friend who’s always up for a challenge and meets every adventure head-on. When any problem should arise that involves traveling to distant lands or dealing with a magical, mysterious beast, Rainbow is the first to volunteer! Even though she enjoys stirring up a little mischief when she’s not soaring through the skies, Rainbow Dash proves time and time again that she is a true hero and a true friend. Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire, represents Element of Loyalty.

Through the Elements of Harmony and the magic of their friendship, the Mane Six would continue to protect their home from enemies, old and new. Even after freeing the Pillars from Limbo and making amends with Stygian, they all knew that they couldn't keep the world safe forever. When Twilight opened up a school of friendship to walks of life, even she didn't know that she managed to find successors. Attending the school were six creatures students, one representing each race, and while they became fast friends, they would play an even bigger role given to them by the Spirit of the Tree of Harmony.

Representing the Young Six is the feisty Dragon Smolder. Like many Dragons, she can seem arrogant at first but she has a kind heart underneath her loud exterior. Smolder does not like to do as she’s told and is often up to mischief with her friends. Tough, competitive, and initially resistant to the idea of friendship, she opens up to some of her fellow students, and becomes much friendlier overall. And since it turns out that she secretly likes cute things, like dresses, makeup, and tea parties, it makes it easier for her to make friends with ponies. As weird as it sounds, Smolder's element is Loyalty. Since she can be be the most rude, selfish, and insensitive of the Young Six, as well as being the first one to call out others' flaws and failures, never mincing words when it comes to telling people why they're wrong or talking about unfortunate outcomes, we would never expect her to have such an element. However, it's this behavior that reveals a deeper purpose with a long-term outcome. As dragons value strength and skill above all else, Smolder wants to see that in her friends too. So when she's tough on the others, it's to build them up. Smolder knows that her friends have the potential to be the best versions of themselves, and her dragon version of loyalty is making sure they're never anything less. She will also be at her friends' side and help them out. Smolder's courage of admitting her interest in dresses and tea parties also shows that she earns the virtue of Bravery.

Just like the Pillars of Old Equestria and the Mane Six, the Young Six would bring harmony through their virtues, elements, and the magic of friendship, not only to the ponies, just as their predecessors did, but to all creatures, and they continue to the day.

Here's the latest batch of the Mane Six, Pillars, and Young Six together. Representing Loyalty are Rainbow Dash, Flash Magnus and Smolder.

Flash Magnus, Rainbow Dash, Smolder by me

Five down, and only one left! :D (Big Grin)


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