"Whoa! I am… a slime? I am draining into the dry sand! Nooo!" Trixie conjured the sand to become glass underneath, forming a cocktail cup to help contain herself. She was blue and slimy. Rainbow Dash wanted to play along and thus she conjured a cherry and a straw and rose the cocktail cup. To take the prank a step further, she filled the cocktail cup with rose martini and made herself humongous.
"Master, you look delicious tonight!" said Rainbow Dash, as she admired Trixie very slimy, very wet and very uncovered body.
"Rainbow… *hic* why did you… *hic*" said Trixie as she felt funny and dizzy, while her normally blue body became red and rosy as she became part of the martini, never losing her form, yet fused from the knees downwards to the cocktail.
"So… would you like to be GREAT and POWERFUL as a genie?" asked Rainbow, smiling slyly.
"NO. *hic* I will have to punish you *hic* somehow…" said Trixie
"Well, was worth a try. Prank over!" She evaporated the ethylic alcohol. Trixie was still a bit dizzy, supporting herself with her staff, barely standing up on her (feet?) and still inside the cocktail.
"Trixie, you should really practice the magic of transmutation and water bending a bit more, preferably on non-living subjects first, after all you are just a sorceress. Us genies can conjure and dominate magic on the fly. Kinda comes with the territory" continued the blue genie, never taking off her eyes from her master's slimy, slender body.
"Let's… never talk about this ever again, shall we?" said Trixie, blushing hard.