Rainfall (SoarinDash) and Starlight Ray (TwiSentry) study night sky as a part of their activities in their summer camp, with the help Ray's mom — Twilight Sparkle. Flutterhys, Big Mac and their children Summer Wind and Snow Blossom accompany them… just because it is nice summer night a wonderful opportunity to admire night sky.
Took me about a month to finish it!
SUMMER WIND: Wow, this telescope is really so powerful?
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Yes, you can actually see surfaces of other planets!
STARLIGHT RAY: We often use it at home. Studying sky is so interesting! I am so glad you allowed to bring the telescope here, mom!
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: (smiles) Why wouldn't I? (musses his mane) Always happy to introduce kids to science!
SUMMER WIND: I didn't know this week inyour camp was so interesintg, guys. Mom, dad, can I go there with my friends next year?
FLUTTERSHY: Of course, dear!
BIG MAC: Eeyup.
SNOW BLOSSOM: Daddy, look, look, look! So bright star has fallen! Did you see it?
BIG MAC: Eeyup.
FLUTTERSHY: (Smiles) Don't forget to make a wish, sweetie. If you sound it while the star is falling it will come true.
BIG MAC: Eeyup!
RAINFALL: Please, it is silly superstition…
STARLIGHT RAY: Maybe. But there what's so bad about making a wish?
SUMMER WIND: Besides it is fun, Rainy!
STARLIGHT RAY: (to Summer Wind) Hey, I wanted to ask you something. You know Rainfall better than me — has she always been like this?
SUMMER WIND: From time to time.
RAINFALL: Well, excuse me if I don't want to take part in stupid… wow!
SUMMER WIND: Woah, now that was a Star!
SNOW BLOSSOM: Where?! Ugh, I missed it!
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Stay calm, everypony! There will be enough shooting stars for us all tonight!
STARLIGHT RAY: Snowy, if you want to see more stars, I can tell you at which regions of the sky it is better to look at.
SNOW BLOSSOM: Oh, do tell, do tell!
SUMMER WIND: That meteor was so pretty. Don't you think, Rainy?
RAINFALL: Well… yes.
SUMMER WIND: You may laugh at me, but I was quick enough to make a wish!
RAINFALL: Oh? Hey, I don't want to laugh at you, Wind! So… what did you wish for?
SUMMER WIND: I can't tell you.
RAINFALL: Why not?
SUMMER WIND: It won't come true then!
RAINFALL: (giggles) Okay!
SUMMER WIND: Don't you want to make one too? (holds her hand) Just for fun!
RAINFALL: Err… umm… maybe… yay, did you see that star?!
P.S. This picture has a little nostalgic vibe for me. I have always loved to study night sky while I was visiting village near Arkhangelsk in summer (though I was already an adult that time). But it took place in August, and August nights are very cold in that region, so me and my relatives had to put on winter clothes lol Still it was great…