
Dismay or Flare(as she likes to be called.) is the daughter of Ember and Discord. She was born unintentionally when Ember & Discord got drunk at a party. Ember tried to dismiss her preg with Spike when signs start to show. At first, Spike was happy to know he was going to be a father but once her egg hatch, Spike was slightly disappointed. Discord as never interacted with Flare as he feels like he betrayed his friend Spike. Ember tried to keep things between her and Spike in good terms but it didn't last as her guilt heavied on her. Spike forgive them as it was an accident though its unknown if he truly believes that, Spike has tried to help with rasing Flare and her younger sister & brother. Flare on the other hand, isn't very happy about her birth.

With Ember leading the dragon kingdom to a new age, Flare barely got to be with her. Spike, Smolder, Gabby, and Mina was there for most of her life and help her with some issues she had growing up. Flare is more 'pony-dragon' like Spike than full dragon like Garble. Flare despises the dragon race for their very selfish nature, even her father for his past. She wants nothing to do with Discord, even going as far as changing her right eye from yellow to green. Flare considers Spike as her father then Discord, Spike tries to get her to see Discord as 'getting better' but Flare sees too many mistakes Discord has made in his life to think he could be a good creature.

Age: 18

Personilty: Slightly proudful, quite silly, playful

Fav: Comics, cake, swimming, fighting(fairly), Spike, cooking, writing.

dislikes: thoses that abuse their powers, harming others for one's pleasure or enjoyment, her real father

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