Somnambula’s virtue is Hope."
Somnambula is a very popular Pillar apparently. I don't really know why that is. Then again, she is beautiful in her Egyptian style. Whatever the reason, I guess she's my favorite; either my second or third. Not to mention the hope she would bring to others reminds us of Pinkie Pie and the levity she brings even in the darkest of times. On thing is for certain, it's a good thing Somnambula was around. She managed to deliver her fellow Egyptian ponies to the promised life before defeating the evil sphinx.
I'll admit finding the correct background was no easy feat. Fortunately, it did not end with overwhelming stress as it did with Rockhoof and Flash Magnus. I thought that this background of the pyramids would fit. I would've gone with a glowpaz background (using a background of green gems), but I thought it would make us forget of Somnambula's Egyptian heritage.
One more Pillar to go.