Originally posted on: April 26 2020
Chryslestia next gen- Crystal Dawn💚
☆Basic information:
name: Crystal Dawn
gender: biologically female, prefers she/her & they/them pronouns
species: 50% pony (unicorn), 50% changeling
place of residence: always on the move (sometimes Silver Shoals, Canterlot, The Changeling Kingdom, The Crystal Empire,….)
title: Princess
friends: Velvet Spark, Honey Glaze Flurry Heart, Li'l Cheese
parents: Queen Chrysalis of the former Changelings (biological mother) and Princess Celestia of Equestria
other relatives: Princess Luna of Equestria (aunt), King Thorax of the Changelings (half- brother), distantly related to the entire Changeling hive
interests: meeting new ponies, creatures, etc., traveling, melancholy poetry, flirting, dark make-up
likes: pranking others, sarcasm, traveling Equestria to find "her place", partying, shapeshifting, flirting, independency
dislikes: being on her own for too long, ponies casting her out or calling her a "freak", her mood swings or sudden emotional outbursts, not knowing where she belongs
And here they are! :) My first ever non-binary OC and they are gorgeous♡ also yeah, the pics of Chryssi and Celi on the 8th and 9th slide shows them fighting but it's honestly the only screenshot from the show where they are actually standing next to eachother lmao.
Again, more on Amino :))
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