"Do I look okay, do my feathers look smooth? Is my crest droopy? Oh gosh, what it this turns into one of those 'never-meet-your-hero-cause-they-suck' sorta things?!" The griffin chick exclaimed, clutching his chest as a terrified expression took over his features. His friend couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Well, I can tell you that my Aunt Dash doesn't suck. She's as awesome as she sounds. And you should've told me earlier that you hadn't had a chance to talk to her yet, I would've asked sooner." He said, and the excited griffin gave a scoff.
"Don't'cha think I woulda told you guys about my amazing, fantastic, life-changing experience? Come on, Sky, you gotta get your head out of your top hat sometimes."
Proud Skies chuckled. "What about all of the amazing celebrities you do get to meet? King Thorax? King Rutherford? Queen Novo?!"
"Yeah?! Well, Rainbow literal Dash is your actual adopted aunt! The best Wonderbolt there is! The Element of Loyalty! Savior of Equestria! That stuff's real stuff, Sky. And besides, haven't you met, like, all the princesses before?" Gavin retorted.
"Only once, and I was so little its hard to remember. Also, why don't we go to the gift shop and get you a photo for her to sign? There's lots of different ones you can buy." Sky lifted a wing slightly and gestured to Gavin's, where he held a rolled piece of parchment and a quill underneath. "Why just a blank piece of paper?"
"Because I wanted to see it there, unmarred, unmarked, just…perfect." He sniffed. "Besides. I kinda…have all the ones they have for sale already."
Proud couldn't help but give another laugh when a few shadows swept over their heads. Heads turning towards the sky, they spotted a few familiar figures circling ahead, one approaching quickly to extend his hooves and ruffle the top of their heads.
"Heya, troublemakers. Here to see Ma?" Jetstream asked, landing on the runway beside them and sweeping his hair out of his eyes. Proud Skies nodded while Gavin hurriedly tried to smooth down his disheveled crest. He froze, however, when the unmistakable rainbow-maned mare landed with everlasting grace before them, folding her wings and casting a wide smile down at the flustered chick.
"Gavin! Look how big you've gotten! I kept meaning to visit the family but, heh, life just gets in the way." She swept a wing slightly over the training grounds. "Second Lieutenant means a lot of chores for me. And teaching. But the fellas told me that I've got a really big fan nowadays? Whaddya say about that?"
Gavin could only stand as still as a statue, sans the shivering of his entire body, as he looked upon the mare with awe. It took a moment for his brain to catch up with the events occurring, and he quickly snatched the piece of paper out from underneath his wing. Fumbling for a moment with the quill, he let it fall and instead presented the paper with his beak split in a huge smile.
"Mrs. Rainbow Dash, you are my biggest hero, and I am your biggest fan. I'm the president of the Rainbow Dash/Wonderbolt Fan Club — Griffinstone Division at home! I wanted it, of course, a true fan club of the…" he looked around quickly to see if anycreature else was present, then whispered, "best Wonderbolt…but Glenda, of course, insisted that we change it. Her favorite is Fleetfoot. But if anypony has inspired me, its you! I'm gonna be the very first griffin Wonderbolt there ever was!" He declared with gusto, each feather standing on end with excitement. Rainbow Dash chuckled, raising a hoof and ruffling his crest just as her son had.
"Ya know, kiddo, I don't doubt it. Your mom and dad have told me in their letters you're a little speed demon. Ya know what?" She glanced at the clock on the silver pole a couple feet away, noting the time. "I've got about twenty minutes left in my lunch break. Jet, thanks for bringing it to me, why don't you take Sky and go find your father?" She turned back towards the griffin. "Why don't you show me some moves?"
Gavin's jaw dropped, and the piece of paper fluttered away. However, he was quite unfazed, as he quickly snapped into a Wonderbolt-worthy salute. "Yes ma'am!" He assured her before turning to sprint into the middle of the runway. Rainbow Dash glanced at her son and nephew over her shoulder, giving them a wink, before turning around to follow Gavin. He settled straight in the middle, raising his wings and slowly stretching each limb, preparing to give the most awesome hero a performance worthy of that blue and yellow uniform one day…