Mulberry then checks the lounge area, finding no other rooms besides the bedroom and the bathroom. Before leaving however she checks the chimney only to find that it's been plastered over. Looking at the floor the mare sees that even though the hearth is dusty it has no soot on it. It probably hasn't been used for quite a long time even before the place went unused.
Mulberry then walks past the bedroom for now to check the bathroom.
The only things in the restroom are a dirty stone counter with a large basin. Above this is a mirror set in the wall that is broken, though none of the fragments of the mirror seem to be in the room. To the right of the door are three toilets separated by a thin, rotted wood walls.
The mare checks the toilets. Two are also plastered over like the chimney, but one of them is not. The three toilets seem to be connected with a sort of ramp for the waste to travel down. Where it goes she isn't sure, but it is luckily rather queen.
Never the less she doesn't want to stick her hooves in.
It's way too gross. Who would even think of doing something so disgusting?