Born to Silly


These two pictures together create a story:

The Great and Powerful Trixie came across the handsome Prince Bluebood. To her, it was love at her sight. But to him, she was just another peasant girl, not worthy of his time. But Trixie ignored his rude comments and insults, and swore to do anything in her power to be smitten with him. Of course, it seemed like the usual stalking and harassing. But no matter how many time Blueblue tried to get rid of her, she keeps finding her way back to him. Until finally, she had him in a corner and tried to force a kiss onto him. He struggled to keep his "royal lips" from touching those of a commoner, but her love for him was too strong. At first, he thought the kiss was bad, but then he really started to enjoy it. When the two broke the kiss, he saw just how beautiful she really was. Now both ponies are in love.


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