This is a recolor of the contest entry from here:… I'm not 100% sure about the colors yet tho, especially the coat
But yeah, now she's a nextgen
I changed her coat color and added a cutiemark, tho I'm not quite sure if I like it
Name: Paprika Nicknames: Rei, Hot Sauce Parents: Rainbow Dash and Cheese Sandwich Gender: Female Species: Pegasus Sexuality: Lesbian Siblings: Unnamed and Firecracker Special talent: Creates boquets with clouds
Personality/random facts:
-She's a soft punk -*Gives out flower crowns at a protest* -She used to daydream all the time as a kid and had many imaginery friends -Really chill and laid back but isn't afraid to punch an asshole's teeth in -Has a gay panic™ moment literally every time she sees a n y girl -Very animated with her wings and fluffs up easily -L o v e s spicy food and has no limit, is literally anything too spicy for her??