And they are as close as any Apples could be. Raised together on the farm, the girls see their cousins more as sisters. June and Chryssi welcomed Pip with adoration and enthusiasm (though it took awhile to convince poor June to hold Pippin). They rarely complained about foalsitting, and loved helping her to walk, to grow, and to start exploring her passions. All of them are highly encouraging of one another, and work very hard in their respective roles on the farm. Chrysanthemum and Juniper sell their teas and potions together, and would love to open up a shop in town. Of course, they can get into arguments just as any family member can (loud ones, too) but they're typically brief.
Their aunts and uncles treat each kid as their own (and, on the rare occasion, aren't afraid to discipline them either). Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom strive to ensure the fillies are loved, adored, and feel appreciated — what they missed so dearly from their own parents, and what Granny Smith showered upon them until the day she passed. The farm still runs smoothly (most of the time), and they are truly Apples to the core. Apple