
Soooo some of you probably remember Violet Sunshine; Scraps' late wife. I think it's about time I expanded on her story a little more. It's changed a lot honestly lol But I can't do that until I introduce her older half-sister; Ivory Dragonstone.

Ivory is the eldest daughter of Ebony Dragonstone. Back when Nightmare Moon was running amok, the ponies that were loyal to her volunteered to be transformed into bat ponies under the assumption it would grant them immortality. One of the first families to undergo the transformation were the Dragonstones; a very rich family that was not afraid to dabble in the dark arts in the search for immortality. In fact, Nightmare Moon learned the magic of transformation from their vast and impressive library. For their loyalty, NMM promised them the immortality they desired…but even Nightmare Moon cannot grant immorality to mortal beings.

Bat ponies were reviled as traitorous monsters; creatures of darkness that consorted with the evil forces that created Nightmare Moon and caused the War of the Sisters. They were hunted down or excluded from society; one of the results of that exclusion is extreme family loyalty and pride. The Dragonstones, unlike other bat ponies, would drink blood in order to sustain youth and long life, and it sort of worked…until they realized that the magical spell that allowed this rejuvenation cursed their family with an insatiable thirst for blood. It's more of a disability, as vampiric bat ponies are more sensitive to light, certain herbs and spices and other things that "stress" their systems. But luckily it's highly treatable these days, and the stigma against vampire ponies has lessened over time.

Ivory Dragonstone is a overly serious, stick-in-the-mud vampire that prioritizes tradition, bloodlines, "dark" magic and history. She was born from an arranged marriage between Ebony and her mother Selaena, both vampiric bat ponies. Ivory couldn't be more proud and happy with her perfect family growing up…that is, until her father had an affair with a pony maid. He later married that maid and went on to have two more children with her; Violet Sunshine and Nightingale (his backstory has changed as well. The Dragonstones were disgraced. They lost the castle they inherited on the condition of the arranged marriage, their fortune and their dignity. Luckily, Selaena was still entitled to the home, and so Ivory would inherit it as soon as she was married to another vampiric pony. Still, no amount of marriage could wipe away the humiliation of the ordeal.

Naturally Ivory was a bit bitter toward her little sister. But the little foal was a charmer nonetheless and soon, amazingly, won over the cold-hearted Ivory. Violet Sunshine was raised to be an herbalist, but her true passion was in the sea. She loved the marine life, the smell of fresh saltwater, and most of all, she loved to surf. There weren't many bat pony surfers in the world since being out on sunny beaches tends to make them sick. But being a half-pony-half-bat-pony, Violet Sunshine just wasn't phased by the brightest star in the sky. She quickly rose in the ranks of competitive surfing, and was the only champion bat-pony. Violet was literally soaring to the top. Nothing could ever distract her. Until he came along.

The he was none other than Windshorn Watergaw, later to be known as Scraps. Windy was a Navy pony through and through, but during his time off, he would surf in the northern tides. Windy loved nothing more than the sea. Nothing could ever distract him from his affair with the Navy and with the sea. That is, until Violet Sunshine — a well-known championship surfer — performed an aerial over his head. He was stunned, utterly struck by not only one of the most skilled surfers in the world but also by the most beautiful mare he had ever seen.

She was equally enthralled with the rough and tumble sailor. Violet longed to travel the seas and go far far away from all the high society crap forced down her throat since birth. Windy offered time and time again for her to join the Navy, but she could never just leave her. Her little brother needed her, no matter how badly she wanted to leave it all behind and grow old in a boat, sailing unknown tides. Still, Violet snuck away enough to spend long days and long nights with her new boyfriend.

Yadayadayada a classic love story ensues. Thanks to his long voyages amongst a raucous crew, Windy learned a raunchy turn-of-phrase that charmed Violet endlessly. Violet always did like her stallions on the rougher side. They had utmost love and respect for each other, regardless of the nasty songs they sang on late nights in seaside bars. They didn't know if they ever wanted kids, or if they even wanted to get married, but they knew they loved each other so much and that was enough.

And good thing too, because it wasn't long before they were expecting their first foal.

to be continued…?

eh, I'll probably expand on just how much Ivory hates, hates, hates Windy.


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