So a lone unicorn born out of wedlock… isn't welcomed warmly.
Frosty noticed, even when she was young, how she was treated differently from her Aunts and cousins. Either ignored, or simply just scorned upon. When spending time with her family, she was treated harshly and couldn't do anything right in their eyes. It wasn't even that they didn't like unicorns, they would treat other unicorns just finely.
But Frosty was different in their eyes. Frosty was a shame, a blemish on the name they made for themselves as traditional rock farmers. It wasn't that she was a unicorn.
She was a bastard in their eyes. Always would be.
eeehhh, I'm not sure if it's clear enough, but the pies don't really care that Frosty is a unicorn, it's the fact that she's born out of wedlock. They don't consider her 'one of the pies.'
I've been mulling over this story point for a while so, yeah, im not a big fan of Pinkie's family. For personal reasons, they aren't bad characters (though I immensely dislike Limestone). But this is my story and I've decided this is how I wanna write them.
For the record, they don't hold anything against Pinkie, in their eyes she's always been a wildcard, but a good child. She's still family, it's just that they don't see Frosty as such. It's a huge point of fights in the family. Frosty has stopped going to reunions to avoid the stress. Pinkie has stopped going to show her daughter support, but she does miss her family. Frosty doesn't know what to do.