1. Fuji was premature, but was able to pull through. But he was still a pretty needy baby. Even his baby blanket couldn't keep him happy forever.
2. Fuji in his adolescences. He had a wild mane which seemed to change everytime he woke up. It didn't really bother him, but he often got a lot of looks since he looked pretty odd.
3. Fuji is an absolute mama's boy. He'd do anything for Rarity, even enduring her makeovers.
4. Fuji loves his mom, Applejack, too, but they had trouble when he was younger. He was irritated at how his mother treated wild animals, while Applejack argued that the animals were eating their crops, something needed to keep their home and family.
Applejack and Rarity belong to Hasbro Fuji belongs to me