
Name: SpellBook
Alias(s): Prince SpellBook, El, Eli (Preferred)
Sexuality: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn

Parents: Twilight Sparkle and ???
Family: Calvary Troop (Older Half-Brother), Infinity Sparkle(Older Half-Sister), Union (Older Half-Brother)

Special Talent: ???

Fun Fact:
- Eli caused a lot of trouble when he was born. Twilight doesn't talk too much about it, but he was concieved when Twilight needed to solve a friendship problem in the Crystal Empire and…well. Things happened. But his Dad died before he was born, so thankfully that's all in the past. But problems continued to arise when he was born. His siblings, Calvary Troop and Infinity Sparkle hated him, blaming him for all the troubles that befell on their mom. Tempest wasn't sure how she felt about the situation, she tried to love Eli as her own, but her other two children often argued about it, making it hard to care for all three children. Eventually, Twilight decided it was best that Eli didn't stay at the castle. It broke her heart, but Celestia was happy to take him in.

- Despite the distance, Twilight makes sure to visit Eli as much as possible. Eli cherishes these moments and loves to spend hours planning out their day. It usually never ends up going according to plan, but it's always fun nonetheless. He truly takes after her and can often be found organizing his room, plans for the day, and even his lessons. Twilight likes to think that he got it from her.

- Eli has never questioned who his father was. In fact, he's never really thought about it at all. All that matters to him is his mother and siblings.

- Eli is unaware of his feelings animosity towards him. He considers them to be really close, despite the distance, and writes letters to them. He never gets any letters back, but he assumes they're just shy. Plus, he has Celestia's son, Union! They're quite close, close enough to consider each other brothers.


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